Thursday, January 29, 2009

So how was Cuba?? ....Cuba in Gracie`s eyes...

So how was Cuba?? It`s a common question we`ve been getting being back in El Salvador . I was rather anxious going over because I wasnt sure what was to come. So many of us travelling to an unknown destination..we weren`t sure what was ahead but having faith that there`s a God who looks after you, well...he did just that.

We travelled San Salvador to San Jose, Costa Rica.
As we waited to board the plane to Havana, thoughts of anxiety and excitement came along. I wondered, what will Cuba be like? Anyways, we encountered our first obstacle just before boarding the plane to Havana. We had no Visas to enter into Cuba. Oh crap! We tried explaining to the officials that we had special visas waiting for us in Havana, but that didnt suffice. We ended up buying the tourist visas and entering Cuba as tourists.

Obstacle number 2...We took over an electric piano, an electric guitar, a stand for the piano, an acoustic guitar and about 4 suitcases full of stuff to give away!! I thought to myself `if we get caught with all this stuff and they ask what the heck we`re doing with rolls of toilet paper and mutliple bars of soap and toothpaste in our suitcase for only two weeks, they`re gonna take it all away!! Of all things...I think that would`ve upset me the most if we wouldn`t of been able to get through with all those things...but again...God pulled he promises! They did not open 1 suitcase nor interogate us about all the musical instruments. They simply asked dad what it was and off we Havana City, Cuba.

I don`t even know where to begin or what to tell...all I can say is that I`ve come to learn and appreciate the blessings that are present living in Australia. I know at times, I get upset when I hear about changes the governments making on stuff, or I hear about closing jobs down...which I happen to be a recipient...the opportunity to dream and grow exists living in Australia, even here in El Salvador or in Africa. I think Africa is a very forgotten continent...but people can be free. Having been to Zambia....Cuba, is completley a different world. The Cuban`s say....there`s the world and then...there`s Cuba. It`s an isolated country, there`s a sense of oppression and imprisoment. People cant trust anyone. Youth aspire to nothing...cos what`s the point....they can go and study to become a doctor for free and earn only $20 a month. The Government makes a contract with them...that if they study to become a doctor they cant leave the country....oh and what about food. People might think that although they get free education, `free`food they`re better off....hmmm...reality is...they`re worst off!

Imagine living on 3kg of rice for a month, 5 eggs for the month, a bar of soap for the month. This is what a person is entitled to a month living in Cuba and it doesnt matter whether you`re a doctor or sweep the floor...everything belongs to everyone and especially everything belongs to the government...even the right to express what you feel and think. Say anything against Castro`s`re gone!

So much stuff comes to mind thing that stands out to me and I find so doctors, nurses,teachers...will give into prostitution in order to be able to make more $$ to live on. Although its illegal, tourism is very high in Cuba and so a lot of women especially and young girls will prostitute themselves in order to live a little bit better.

We were driving to Santiago de Cuba which is about 12 hrs from Havana. We had stopped of with our Cuban friends who were accompanying us. Us girls were so thirsty..we thought lets go and buy a drink. So we took off with our uncle who is a missionary in spain. We bought 10 drinks for all 10 of us who were travelling and it cost us like $10. We went over to hand it over to our 3 cuban friends with us...and their faces lit up like that of a child when you give him some lollies. They hadn`t had a can of soft drink in years. I was blown away by this...cos not even in Africa did this happen. In Africa, people can at least afford a drink within the year...but the thought that all these adults had not had a can of soft drink in a few could not be. mind is all much went and so much to process. I think its been great going over to see how others live in other countries especially places like Africa and Cuba. I mean..I thought El Salvador was bad reality, its no where near as close to being like Africa or Cuba! However, despite the calamity of life present in Cuba....I admired the great faith and joy our christian friends experienced. They kept dreaming and don`t lose hope...that although they live in a prison of a country...they have a God who is capable of making the impossible possible. It was a great lesson for us! To learn and to see God`s faitfullness. Another short older guy had been praying for a cap. We took a few caps over.When we arrive we allowed the pastor to hand out the stuff to those in most need. Anyways, this older man happened to be a recipient of one of the caps. We knew nothing about him needing one nor did the pastor. This testified...that God even listens to the most simple little things....his prayer got answered and he got one.

Anyways....Ill leave it hear for now. On your can see the most common local transport in Cuba. No one really owns a car unless they had a car before the revolution...50 years ago or unless the government allows you to have one...which doesnt really happen.

We`re home in 2 weeks...we have a gazzillion photos...happy to show them or a few if you`re interested...

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Loved reading this - thanks girlies!
Can't wait to see you VERY soon xx